Photos - 1972 Tube Stock Guard's Position
Fig. 1: Original 1972
Tube Stock Guard's Position

Guard's position of 1972 Tube Stock showing the
arrangement of the control panels. This arrangement was introduced with the 1931
Standard Tube Stock and, on the basis that it didn't need fixing, remained virtually
unchanged until the 1967 Tube Stock. It was perpetuated on later stocks where
necessary for two-person operation. Photo by Tube Troll.
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Fig. 2: 1972 Tube Stock -
Guard's Controls No 1 Side
The guard's controls on the No 1 side of the train. This side has the
key operated "position switch", which activated the position when required by
the guard. The position switch was normally overed by a sprung, hinged flap -
missing in this photo. This flap was used to indicate if the position switch was
closed by being held partially open by the key in the "on" position.
Train lighting was also controlled from this
Note the stand to the right of the control panel
which was used to house a fire extinguisher. These were removed from time to time
when vandalism reached epidemic proportions. They were replaced whenever there was a
management fire scare. This sort of yo-yo management style still exists today.
Photo by Tube Troll.
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Fig 3:
1972 Tube Stock - Gurad's Controls No 2 Side
The The No 2 side guard's control panel carried the train heating switches
and the "loudaphone" communication system connecting the operative guards
position and driver's cabs. On this side the brake pipe air gauge (train line) and
an emergency valve (above it) were provided to allow a brake pipe continuity test to be
carried out.
The emergency valve was one of the former
passenger alarm valves which all trains had until they were withdrawn during 1989-90.
Each car was provided with 3 or 4 valves which, if operated, caused the train's
emergency brakes to apply.
Below the air gauge, there was a desk which
could be unlocked and dropped down to provide the guard with somewhere to write if
Under the desk was a small lockable, drop down
seat. Photo by Tube Troll.
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